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HomeNewsLatestKaohsiung promotes tourism to visitors from Hong Kong

Kaohsiung promotes tourism to visitors from Hong Kong

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  • Staff writer, with CNA, KAOHSIUNG

The Kaohsiung Tourism Bureau has been working to promote the city to tourists from Hong Kong, the nation’s second-largest source of international visitors.

As of the end of July, Japan has this year been the biggest source of inbound visitors to Taiwan, with 683,000 arrivals, while Hong Kong was close behind with 676,000, the bureau said in a news release yesterday.

From January to June, accommodation providers in Kaohsiung received about 134,000 visitors from Hong Kong and Macau, a 59 percent increase over the same period last year, it said, indicating that the territories are one of the city’s largest sources of international tourists.

Photo: CNA

As part its efforts to attract tourists from Hong Kong, the bureau this year partnered with Lihpao Resort Fullon Hotel and EVA Airways to promote tours of Kaohsiung for members of the Hong Kong Tourism Association and members of the media, bureau Director Kao Min-lin (高閔琳) said.

The bureau also invited top executives from China Airlines’ Hong Kong office and several travel agencies to visit some of Kaohsiung’s popular scenic hot spots, including the Pier-2 Art Center and the Great Harbor Bridge (大港橋) in Yancheng District (鹽埕), she said.

The bureau also collaborated with the Tourism Administration’s overseas office in Hong Kong and Towa Tours Ltd to welcome hundreds of employees from Chubb Life Insurance Co on a four-day sightseeing trip to Kaohsiung from Friday last week to Monday, Kao said.

The bureau would continue to work with tourism businesses, including those in the aviation, travel and hotel sectors, to promote the city as a popular international tourist destination, it added.

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Kaohsiung promotes tourism to visitors from Hong Kong

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