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HomeNewsLocalChaudhry calls for truth on 2000 coup

Chaudhry calls for truth on 2000 coup

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THE release of George Speight, who had unleashed months of anarchy and violence on the country, has sent tremors of apprehension throughout the nation, says Fiji Labour Party leaders Mahendra Chaudhry.

After serving 24 years in prison for leading the 2000 invasion of Parliament to oust the democratically elected Mahendra Chaudhry-led government, Mr Speight was released on Thursday, along with several individuals, after they were granted Presidential pardon by the Mercy Commission.

“If George Speight is truly contrite about the violence and devastation his reckless actions unleashed on the nation, the least he can do in recompense is to disclose the truth about 2000,” Mr Chaudhry said.

“Who is going to ensure justice to the innocent victims of Speight’s actions?

“Any moves to free those guilty of treason and such horrendous crimes against humanity, should have first been preceded by efforts to provide justice and a sense of reconciliation to the innocent victims of their actions.”

He said treason was a serious crime carrying a mandatory life sentence and his release ahead of a Truth and Reconciliation process was disappointing as it has re-opened the outrage of 2000 without the healing that should have preceded it.

“It has undermined the nation’s sense of justice and will have far reaching consequences on national unity and people’s confidence in the current government.”

He claimed Mr Speight’s release did not come as a surprise as it was foreshadowed by an election promise made by Mr Rabuka at a rally in Nasinu just weeks before the 2022 general election.

“Judging by his government’s priorities since taking office, it was just a matter of time before Speight was set free following the earlier release of his co-conspirators Joe Nata and Timoci Silatolu, barely six months ago.

“Now that he is a free man, one hopes Speight will reveal the truth about the 2000 coup.

“He has maintained right from the beginning that he was not the real leader/instigator of the coup.”

When asked about the release, Mr Rabuka responded saying proper procedures were followed by the Prerogative of Mercy Commission (PMC) for Mr Speight’s release.

“The PMC does its own assessment and work after receiving pleas from those incarcerated or from their families pleading for mercy,” Mr Rabuka said.

“The PMC has considered it warranted, so he is released.”

Chaudhry calls for truth on 2000 coup

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