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HomeLocalAustraliaAustralia spending half as much on foreign aid as a decade ago

Australia spending half as much on foreign aid as a decade ago

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The Safer World for All campaign, which commissioned the polling, is calling for aid spending to be lifted to 1 per cent of the federal budget, a level last achieved in 2014-15. The campaign is co-ordinated by the Australian Council for International Development and advocacy group Micah Australia.

Micah national director Matt Darvas said: “What we’re asking for is a modest yet transformative step that would not only solidify Australia’s leadership in our region but also equip us to meet global challenges head-on, fostering a safer and more resilient world – one that has the support of Australians when they realise just how low our aid budget has fallen.”

Foreign Minister Penny Wong has promised Labor will “rebuild” Australia’s international development program over time. While the trajectory of aid spending is higher than forecast under the previous Coalition government, it is predicted to flat-line in real terms for the foreseeable future.

“Avoiding cuts, while commendable, is not the same as rebuilding,” said ANU aid expert professor Stephen Howes.

Australia spends 0.19 per cent of gross national income on foreign aid, making it the 26th most generous donor among wealthy members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). That figure is down from a ranking of ninth in 1995.

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Australia spending half as much on foreign aid as a decade ago

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