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125 years of Federated Farmers

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

As we mark 125 years since the establishment of New Zealand’s most influential rural advocacy organisation, it’s timely to reflect on the journey that has shaped Federated Farmers into the organisation it is today. 

The founding era: the birth of the New Zealand Farmers’ Union

The story begins in Kaitaia on 18 September 1899 with the formation of the New Zealand Farmers’ Union (NZFU) by Thomas Portland Smith, an early pioneer of the dairy industry who had settled on raw land in the Far North. 

By the late 19th century, our budding agricultural sector was facing increasing headwinds, with market fluctuations, land management issues, and the emerging challenge of navigating complex government policies. 

Smith, a forward-thinking farmer and rural advocate, quickly recognised the need for a single unified voice to strengthen farmers’ position to create leverage when engaging with the government. 

The NZFU provided a platform for farmers to come together, discuss common issues, and negotiate collectively for better pricing and fair land management rules. 

Founding members understood that a strong, organised group could better negotiate with suppliers, government officials, and other stakeholders. 

Florence Polson, founder of the Women’s Division of the NZ Farmers’ Union. Photo: Supplied

The union quickly gained traction, particularly in the North Island, offering services and becoming a powerful advocate for farming families. 

The organisation’s first national conference was held in 1902.

The Women’s Division of the Farmers Union meeting in Wellington in 1926. Photo: Supplied

A South Island collective: the Sheep Owners’ Federation

Only a decade later, in 1910, similar manoeuvring was happening in Canterbury with the formation of the New Zealand Sheepowners Federation by Henry Acland, of Mt Peel Station.

During this era, Canterbury, with its expansive pastoral lands, was a major hub for sheep farming – the cornerstone of the New Zealand economy at the time. 

Like Smith, Acland recognised the need for a unified voice to promote the interests of sheep owners and address issues like fluctuating wool prices, disease outbreaks, and the need for improved farming practices and infrastructure.

Bert Cooksley was the first president of Federated Farmers, from 1945-1947. Photo: Supplied

Early members banded together to share knowledge and leverage their collective influence to negotiate better terms for wool and mutton, and to secure more favourable conditions for their operations.

Acland served as president of the Sheepowners Federation until his death in 1942. 

Merger and birth of Federated Farmers: 1945

In the aftermath of World War 2, a significant milestone was reached as the New Zealand Farmers Union and the Sheepowners Federation merged into one organisation: Federated Farmers. 

Although controversial at the time, the merger was driven by a desire, and need, to form a more united and influential agricultural body that could effectively address the needs of all farmers, not just one sector. 

Federated Farmers’ formation marked the beginning of a new era for farming advocacy in New Zealand. The organisation emerged as a stronger, more cohesive body with a broader mandate to represent all farmers.

In the decades after the merger, Federated Farmers continued to grow and adapt to the changing agricultural landscape, with developing technologies, shifting market dynamics, and evolving government policies. 

MP Shane Ardern famously gunned a tractor called Myrtle up Parliament steps in 2003, protesting a tax on ruminant methane. Even though methane is burped by livestock, Federated had dubbed it the FART (Fight All Ridiculous Taxes) tax, and it fired the public’s imagination. The Labour government of the day dropped the idea.

A proud legacy: celebrating 125 years of farmer advocacy

The journey of Federated Farmers, beginning with the vision of both Thomas Portland Smith and Henry Acland, is a testament to the enduring importance of organised farmer advocacy in New Zealand. 

The merger of the two organisations led to the formation of a powerful and inclusive cross-sector body that remains committed to advancing the interests of farmers, supporting rural communities, and contributing to the growth of our agricultural sector to this day. 

NZ Sheep Owners Federated founding president Henry Acland circa 1931. Photo: Supplied

We’re incredibly proud of our 125-year legacy of advocating for farmers – and we’re looking forward to the next 125 years too.

Federated Farmers, New Zealand’s leading independent rural advocacy organisation, has established a news and insights partnership with AgriHQ, the country’s leading rural publisher, to give the farmers of New Zealand a more informed, united and stronger voice. Federated Farmers news and commentary appears each week in its own section of the Farmers Weekly print edition and online.

125 years of Federated Farmers

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